Level UP


Empowering student talent from top schools across Canada to match with paid short-term, remote projects from thousands of diverse employers.
Level UP is funded in part by the Government of Canada's Innovative Work-Integrated Learning (I-WIL) Initiatives program.
Explore Testimonials

Testimonials From Learners

Here's what Level UP learners had to say about their experience.

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Fergal Ingoldsby
Red River College
Fergal Ingoldsby
Red River College
I feel that working on the [Level UP] project to be the best part of my experience in college so far. We get a feel for what it's like to work as a software developer, and also get valuable workplace experience working with a company on a real-life project. I really highly recommend this experience to anyone.
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Reese Naumann
University of Alberta
Reese Naumann
University of Alberta
Level UP is an amazing way for students to get real life, applicable work experience while still managing their education. Many jobs and industries are shifting further toward a focus on experience rather than education for hiring decisions, so this program ensures students have the best of both worlds when they head out into the job market
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Zinia Mustafa
George Brown College
Zinia Mustafa
George Brown College
Level UP program from Riipen is actually a life saver for many students who are struggling to get co-op opportunities from companies directly. I have seen many students who got jobs at renowned banks only after completing their projects from Riipen. Students can get hands-on experience before joining a company.
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Hafeez Khan
Ryerson University
Hafeez Khan
Ryerson University
I would definitely recommend this to a friend or anyone who's looking to get hands-on experience in their field of study. I was able to complete the project and learn so much more about myself. Whether they're coming from a computer science, business, or marketing background, there are so many opportunities where you can learn and get more experience.
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Mehran Janatyani
McMaster University
Mehran Janatyani
McMaster University
The projects really allow you to experiment and test yourself in different fields. So it's not just about working within your comfort zone. You also get the experience and the opportunity to expand yourself and work out of your comfort zone. At the end of it, it's all about building relationships and getting to know different people.
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John Johnson
University of Alberta
John Johnson
University of Alberta
Experiential learning allows you to become a lot more hands-on. Unlike your traditional classroom learning, where you might be completing assignments or doing tests/exams, doing this type of work and being actively involved in the publication process allows you to develop skills you would not be able to develop otherwise.
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Madison Hilderman
University of British Columbia
Madison Hilderman
University of British Columbia
I would highly recommend experiential learning. I think it is the most efficient way to learn. I, myself, am mostly a kinesthetic learner, so I like to experience how things are done. It is definitely the best way to learn in my opinion.
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Ladursa Siva
Toronto Metropolitan University
Ladursa Siva
Toronto Metropolitan University
I really enjoyed that the [Level UP] project gave me an opportunity to apply some topics which I’ve learned about in school, in the workplace. Applying concepts and knowledge to a project allows me to understand how businesses operate and how valuable learning about certain topics can be. I also enjoyed collaborating to complete a project to the highest degree of efficiency. Overall, I had a great experience where I was able to gain knowledge, skills and experience which will allow me to thrive professionally.
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Richard Plant
University of Manitoba
Richard Plant
University of Manitoba
Gaining real-world experience through using the information I have learned in my classes. The Riipen [Level UP] program provided me with an amazing opportunity that I am very proud of. I will be sure to recommend it to many of my fellow students.
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Claire Henderson
McGill University
Claire Henderson
McGill University
What I enjoyed about my Level UP project is that it allowed me to use my research skills in a practical way and apply what I learned to a real task. I also enjoyed being able to work alongside the project leaders, and felt my input and work were valued.

Testimonials From Employers

Here's what Level UP employers had to say about their experience.
Completed a project and want to share your experience?
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Ramin Sadat
Ramin Sadat
Level UP was a great way for us to hire the right talent for our business. The best way to really know whether there is a right fit for both the employees and the employers is through internships. For startups however, the cost of these internships can be too great to utilize. Through Level UP we were able to find our now full-time marketing coordinator.
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Michael Jodah
Michael Jodah
Programs like Level UP help connect students looking for experiential education opportunities with willing industry partners. It is a win-win.
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Max Chernetsov
Max Chernetsov
Level UP allows SEEDA to advance innovative projects supporting the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. It was a great experience working with the students. They demonstrated superior skills which they applied in their work to produce outstanding results.
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Purushothaman Cannane
Greenii Inc.
Purushothaman Cannane
Greenii Inc.
Level UP projects can be a great help for our startup to grow to the next level. We have bright students across Canada. As a startup we can hire the right talented students, which will benefit them to gain work experience, while our startup benefits the job to be done on time and efficiently.
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Austin Teshuba
Enactus Hacks
Austin Teshuba
Enactus Hacks
Level UP's funding would allow us to attract brilliant students we may not have reached before, such as low-income students who depend on part-time jobs. This helps us amplify our impact, both through increased programming (for the benefit of other students) and direct mentorship with new student leaders.
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Jason Ross
Radiant Freedom
Jason Ross
Radiant Freedom
I've been searching for a program like Level UP for years. This program gives me the ability to work with students who can help on the lower budget projects where the client just can't afford to hire a professional graphic designer, copywriter or other specialized skill needed to complete the project.
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Lisa Roughley
Lisa Roughley
Level UP is a fantastic way for small businesses like mine to be able to provide valuable work experience to students across Canada. It opens up a world of collaborative opportunities and truly is a win-win for our universities, students, and businesses.
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Amanda Tanner
The Teacher App
Amanda Tanner
The Teacher App
Propelled us to places we never thought we’d be at this point in time. Level UP changed the trajectory of our organization in massive ways. We love you Riipen. You’ve done a lot for us!
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Nadine Livingston
Nadine Livingston
[Level UP] saved us time by providing an additional resource we couldn’t afford otherwise. The additional hands helped us with pitching a new business concept to a potential client. We can’t afford to hire staff so this platform helps us immensely. Research is so imperative to securing new business. We are a startup and cannot afford to hire resources just yet. This program has provided us access to a much-needed resource for us. They helped us immensely by providing resources when we couldn’t afford to hire.
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input and label
Field Description / Help text
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