Breaking the mold and shattering stereotypes: A conversation with Aman Grewal

In the dynamic world of professional growth and development, Aman Grewal, Riipen’s UX/UI Designer, stands as a testament to the transformative power of embracing change and setting realistic goals. As we delve into her professional journey, Aman shares insights into the impact of investing in women at Riipen and how such an approach fosters a culture of inspiration and continuous learning.
March 5, 2024
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In the dynamic world of professional growth and development, Aman Grewal, Riipen’s UX/UI Designer, stands as a testament to the transformative power of embracing change and setting realistic goals. As we delve into her professional journey, Aman shares insights into the impact of investing in women at Riipen and how such an approach fosters a culture of inspiration and continuous learning.

Fostering inspiration and growth

Aman highlights the transformative experience of being a part of an all-women team at Riipen. Each member, she notes, contributes to a culture of empowerment and motivation, creating an environment where personal development aligns seamlessly with the success of the company. "I’m constantly learning and trying to find new ways I can educate myself and contribute more to the team," Aman expresses, emphasizing the collective strength that women bring to the workplace.

Aman's professional journey took an unexpected turn with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, prompting her to reevaluate her goals. A Psychology major turned UX/UI Designer, Aman's story resonates with resilience and adaptability. Her ability to set realistic goals and break down significant career transitions into manageable steps showcases the importance of envisioning the future while navigating the present.

Embracing realism: Overcoming personal expectations

The biggest challenge Aman faced was imposing unrealistic expectations on herself, often fueled by comparisons with others. Her advice to her younger self echoes wisdom gained through experience: "Take it easy and enjoy the process of making it to your destination, there’s no finish line." Aman encourages others to embrace their unique journey, acknowledging that everyone has their own pace and path.

Nurturing empowerment: A ripple effect

Working within an all-women team, Aman finds herself surrounded by a supportive network. The empathy, compassion, and collaboration among her colleagues create a positive ripple effect, inspiring each team member to uplift one another. Aman's experience highlights the profound impact of fostering a culture that values and empowers women.

As Aman envisions the future professional landscape for women, she emphasizes the importance of flexibility and mindfulness in the workplace. Expressing gratitude for her current company's flexibility, she hopes to see more companies adopting similar practices. This, she believes, will benefit women with diverse responsibilities, from caregiving to pursuing higher education.

In conclusion, Aman Grewal's journey exemplifies the power of investing in women, not just for individual growth but for the collective advancement of organizations. As we celebrate International Women's Day, her story serves as a compelling reminder to embrace change, set realistic goals, and create workplaces that empower women to thrive.

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