MacEwan Media Production - Digital Video Production


MacEwan Media Production is the digital content arm of the Department of Communication at MacEwan University. Its TV studio and podcasting space offer internal and external clients state-of-the-art broadcast facilities. 

Through the Level UP remote internship program, Head of Media Production for MacEwan Media Production and tenure-track assistant professor, Sheena Rossiter, partnered with student, Adrian Ting, to create and produce promotional videos for external and internal clients. 

A student at MacEwan University, Adrian created and produced videos for MacEwan Media Production. 

Adrian had no previous production experience, but that didn’t stop her from diving in and excelling with this project. 

“She took to it like a duck to water, and she just did it. You could see her blossom through both semesters of the internship,” shared Sheena. 

Sheena empowered Adrian to embrace all of the responsibilities of a producer during the internship. This included creating call sheets, coordinating tasks, explaining schedules, and preparing, gathering, and learning the equipment needed to set up and take down a shoot.  

With a mentor like Sheena, it was easy for Adrian to learn the ins and outs of production. 

“Sheena is really informative on filming and the professional aspect of filming. I had such a great experience learning everything that goes into a production,” Adrian explained. 

Not only did Adrian learn production skills, but she did a fantastic job of team management. 

“It was her responsibility to wrangle and coordinate with the other interns. And she did a fantastic job of that. She did it with poise and diplomacy,” Sheena commented.  

The contributions from Adrian and other Level UP students had a significant impact on MacEwan Media Production. From the development and branding of the production studio's website and YouTube channel to the original music composed for podcast shows and videos, there wasn’t an aspect of growing the MacEwan Media Production brand that Level UP students did not touch. 

“So I think the proof is really in the pudding because there are strong deliverables that were delivered through this internship in terms of branding of the TV studio, wayfinding, website, design, music, and all the videos,” Sheena shared. 

This work left a big impression on Adrian as well. 

“Since I took on the producer role, something I’ve never done before, I got to see how a shoot worked. That was something I’ve always been interested in. It helped me see being a producer as a potential future career.” 

Sheena would love to see the Level UP program continue.  

“I just hope that the government uses funds for the Riipen Level UP programs again because it's a fantastic opportunity for people still in school and looking to get into their fields of interest and careers. It's a great first step in anyone's career. I think it's an excellent way to add flexibility and hone people’s skills during that time. And it's a win-win for everyone. It's beneficial for the employers, and it's beneficial for the students as well.”

Adrian hopes the Level UP program continues, too. 

“I would definitely recommend this way of learning.  I don’t think hands-on experience is easy to teach in a classroom. It has to be like real life. It was a 10/10, an outstanding experience.” 

Thank you to Adrian Ting for sharing her experience on Riipen. To learn more about how you can get started with the Level UP remote internship program as a student or employer, visit the website here. ‍Stay updated with the latest in higher education, experiential learning, and the future of work, and subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter, The Riipen Report.

Riipen Level UP program is funded by the Government of Canada's Innovative Work-Integrated Learning (I-WIL) Initiatives program. The opinions and interpretations in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Government of Canada.

Level UP is funded in part by the Government of Canada's Innovative Work-Integrated Learning (I-WIL) Initiatives program
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