National Congress 2021 x MiTravel - Web Prototype Design
The Company
MiTravel, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, created an entry-level design thinking workshop and challenge for delegates at National Congress 2021.
The Event
National Congress 2021 was a virtual youth conference hosted by AIESEC Canada in January of 2021. This project was worked on by 300 learner delegates from 26 different Canadian post-secondary institutions.
The Challenge
MiTravel wanted to source ideas for a future learner travellers community feature on their travel planning platform while also equipping learners with the tools needed to utilize design thinking. As an early start-up, the MiTravel team was also interested in working directly with learners to identify potential future hires.
The Outcome
Over the course of 3 weeks, teams of learners conceptualized a new learner travelers community feature, conducted research, and designed a prototype on Figma. Learners then presented their findings and suggestions. The MiTravel team was blown away by the submissions, with the winning team’s submission exploring areas that MiTravel had not considered.
“It was a great opportunity to meet and engage with learner talents early on, as sometimes it’s hard to determine a learners’s talents and skillsets solely through the interview stage.” Annie Lo, MiTravel Co-Founder and CEO