Powered by Riipen

Flexible way for Canadian students and employers to collaborate.

Empowering student talent from top schools across Canada to match with paid short-term, remote projects from thousands of diverse employers. Let's bridge learning and work.
Level UP is funded in part by the Government of Canada's Innovative Work-Integrated Learning (I-WIL) Initiatives program

A new way for students and employers to collaborate

Flexible By Design

Each Level UP project takes 60 hours to complete. Students and employers partner to set a timeline of 2-8 weeks, taking into account class and work schedules.

Diverse Opportunities

Level UP projects cover a diverse range of disciplines. Eligible students and employers will have the opportunity to collaborate on multiple Level UP projects.

Hassle-Free Payments

With funding from the Government of Canada's Innovative Work-Integrated Learning (I-WIL) Initiatives program, students are paid a $1,400 stipend for each project completed, processed hassle-free, directly through Riipen.

Simple, straightforward eligibility

Student Eligibility

Be a current student registered in a Canadian post-secondary education institution, with no age limit

Employer Eligibility

Be a registered Canadian business or non-profit organization

Student Eligibility

  • Be a current student registered in a Canadian post-secondary education institution, with no age limit; and
  • be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or persons to whom refugee protection has been conferred under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act; and
  • are legally entitled to work in Canada in accordance with relevant provincial or territorial legislation and regulations.

Employer Eligibility

  • Be a registered Canadian business or non-profit organization; and

✅ A registered Canadian business or non-profit organization
❌ A member of the House of Commons or Senate of Canada
❌ Part of an organization that engages in partisan political activities, and/or a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government
❌ Part of a publicy funded post-secondary institution

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Some Form Elements
hs-form is main form class.
form-columns-1 is class of wrapper with 1 column for inputs.
form-columns-2 is class of wrapper with 2 columns for inputs.
input and label
Field Description / Help text
This is help text for the field
Field error message
hs-error-msgs inputs-list
  • Error message label
hs-error-msgs inputs-list is an HTML list element.
hs-error-msg is a text span inside HTML List Item element.
Text area Input
hs-input hs-fieldtype-textarea
hs-fieldtype-textarea is added as combo class.
Note: HubSpot uses basic HTML checkboxes, Webflow checkboxes works differently than the default HTML checkboxes, hence in order to style HubSpot checkboxes you need custom CSS.
you can use Webflow checkbox to style and then copy CSS from it.
Radio Buttons
Success message
Submit button
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