

Chat in real-time with educators and learners as you match your projects and manage your teams of learners as they complete them.
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Get started
Chat in the right context of match requests and teams of learners
Communicate securely without having to provide personal contact information
Integrate with your e-mail inbox, preferred meetings software, and more

Reply via Email

Reply to all of your messages from the comfort of your e-mail inbox by simply replying to email notifications without having to give out your email address.

Use email as your preferred communication system without having your email address seen by others


Schedule meetings quickly with conversation participants without ever having to leave Riipen.

Keep track of participant attendance
Integrate with your external calendar for easy visibility
Avoid sharing your email address


Integrate with your favourite communication tools to keep track of events, meetings, and use video conferencing all from within Riipen.

Integrate with Google or Zoom for simple video conferencing