Real Adulting 101 - Digital Content Creation


Real Adulting 101 is a startup that offers guided online programs to make the “adulting” journey as seamless as possible.  

Through the Level UP remote internship program, Real Adulting 101 founder, Brittany Clough, partnered with Erin Wong to create and design digital mini educational guides.

A student at Queens University studying sociology and education, Erin expanded her skills by applying educational principles to the mini guides she created for the Real Adulting 101 platform. In addition to creating mini educational guides, Erin also developed the skill of captioning videos. 

The Level UP project with Real Adulting 101 made a huge impact on Erin. 

“This project inspired me to want to work closer with adolescents and teenagers because I thought creating content for them was really interesting and a valuable experience,” she shared. 

Brittany likewise saw the value of Erin’s contribution. 

“I think working with Level UP students, especially since college-aged students are our target market, has been really beneficial for our growth as a company,” shared Brittany.

Students like Erin were able to provide insight into what content would be relevant to the Real Adulting 101 audience. 

Brittany was so happy with Erin’s work that she partnered with her on more than one project. This consistency provided valuable support for future opportunities for Erin. 

“I feel better prepared for a career opportunity after graduation, and I got offered an opportunity to continue to work with the company,” shared Erin.

Learning the ways to best support different students was a valuable lesson for Brittany and her company. The success of projects depended on setting clear expectations and deliverables for each student. 

“Working with a range of students helped us see how to tailor projects for each student's needs and goals. That’s helped us really grow as a company. To understand students required levels of support and how to make the projects work best for them.”  

And without the Level UP students, Real Adulting 101 wouldn’t have grown as fast. 

“The growth we want to see as a company is hard to achieve without extra support. If we can partner with a student and say, ‘Hey, here’s the project we need completed. Here are the deliverables.’ It takes so much time and energy off our plate and allows us to grow and create a little bit faster.” 

Brittany applauds the immense impact a program like Level UP has on both businesses and students. Gaining hands-on experience is crucial to knowing what kind of career paths are available for students. 

“You can learn something for four years and have no clue how to implement it. So to get these short-term opportunities to learn things like how to build a content strategy, or actually building carousels and watching their engagement or doing outreach research is really valuable,” Brittany shared.   

Not only was Erin able to grow her skills for employability, but Brittany felt the Level UP experience helped her team build their leadership skills. 

“Not only is it a benefit to have the deliverables, obviously, but there’s a benefit in improving skill sets. It gives small businesses opportunities to understand how to work with different students and how to “level up” their own leadership skills.”  

The Level UP program gave Erin and Brittany amazing growth opportunities. Brittany grew in leadership and Erin grew her educational content-creating skills and was inspired to work with young adults afterward. 

“I would definitely recommend participating in working on a project like this,” Erin shared.  

Thank you to Erin Wong for sharing her experience on Riipen. To learn more about how you can get started with the Level UP remote internship program as a student or employer, visit the website here. ‍Stay up to date with the latest in higher education, experiential learning, and the future of work, subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter, The Riipen Report.

Riipen Level UP program is funded by the Government of Canada's Innovative Work-Integrated Learning (I-WIL) Initiatives program. The opinions and interpretations in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Government of Canada.

Level UP is funded in part by the Government of Canada's Innovative Work-Integrated Learning (I-WIL) Initiatives program
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