Level Up Case Study

Alpha Woman Co - Social Media and SEO Strategy Creation

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Alpha Woman Co is a woman-led media company building a multi-platform network to help women optimize their lives physically, mentally, professionally, and financially. Alpha Woman Co was seeking support in search engine optimization (SEO), social media strategy, and digital content creation. 

Through the Level UP remote internship program, Alpha Woman Co partnered with Gabrielle Samson, a Creative Industries (BA) student from Ryerson University. Gabrielle supported the Alpha Woman Co team as a Social Media and SEO Strategist. Over the course of her Level UP project, Gabrielle conducted social media and SEO research, crafted a strategy, and then implemented her findings into creating content.

Prior to this project, Gabrielle had no experience working with SEO or social media strategy but was able to gain hands-on experience through her Level UP project. “I had no idea what SEO even was,” says Gabrielle. “But once I learned about it [SEO], my employer was very helpful in giving me many opportunities to gain experience.”

Though her role began more on the strategy side, Gabrielle also had the opportunity to help with content creation which resulted in her discovering a new interest and potential career path. “​I wrote some content for the articles and that showed me that not only am I pretty good at writing, I actually enjoy it a lot,” said Gabrielle. “So it [her Level UP project] taught me that journalism is definitely a career option for me and it expanded the possibilities that I have for my career.”

(A snapshot of a few articles Gabrielle has authored for Alpha Woman Co.)

Gabrielle is a student in Ryerson University’s Creative Industries program. She described the program as one that is very general so her Level UP project provided her with the opportunity to gain experience in areas she wouldn’t have learned about otherwise. “I probably wouldn’t have really learned about SEO or social media strategy in the depth that I did in this project and that’s been very helpful to me,” says Gabrielle. “Now I have a leg up amongst the other students where I can use these practical experiences to help my research and knowledge going forward in my program.”

Gabrielle reflects on the impact of the Level UP remote internship program, speaks of the confidence she gained and how her career aspirations align with her personality and skill set.

“There is a huge difference between sitting down in a lecture hall or in front of a computer and learning information by reading… There’s a big difference between that and actually doing the work that you’re going to be doing in your career. I think it’s very important and valuable for everyone to have experiential learning,” stated Gabrielle.

Through her Level UP project, Gabrielle was able to gain hands-on experience that she wouldn’t have received in the classroom, learn about new concepts and how they work, and even explored interests that led to new potential career paths for her to consider.

Leslie A. Andrachuk, Founder & CEO of Alpha Woman Co, shares the impact of the Level UP remote internship program from the employer perspective, and that by working with students, she was able to turn her business around.

Thank you to Gabrielle for sharing her experience on Riipen. To learn more about how you can get started with the Level UP remote internship program as a student or employer, visit the website here. ‍Stay up to date with the latest in higher education, experiential learning, and the future of work, subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter, The Riipen Report.

Riipen Level UP program is funded by the Government of Canada's Innovative Work-Integrated Learning (I-WIL) Initiatives program. The opinions and interpretations in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Government of Canada.

Level UP is funded in part by the Government of Canada's Innovative Work-Integrated Learning (I-WIL) Initiatives program
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