Level UP Case Study – TNB Glasses


TNB Glasses is an optical frames wholesaler and distributor specializing in quality, fashionable, colorful eyewear. 

Through the Level UP remote internship program, TNB Glasses owner Ella Saltoun partnered with Zachary Corsetti on a market research project.

Zachary, an economics student at York University, worked on a market research project that helped generate over 1,000 new leads for TNB Glasses. 

“I did extensive research on markets that could work with TNB Glasses. I collected information from multiple sources, including Instagram, Facebook, Google, and email,” Zachary offered. 

Ella provided detailed instructions and clear expectations, which made the project go smoothly. 

“I gave precise instructions for this project. I wanted to expand to particular regions of Ontario. I had a map separated into ten different regions. I asked students to research optical stores and record specific information on spreadsheet templates I provided. What I received was excellent,” Ella shared. 

Students like Zachary excelled at this work because they were interested in it. 

“I discovered that I enjoy market research, and I hope to use what I learned to help other companies in the future,” Zachary shared. 

Ella grew her business thanks to the fantastic help from Level UP students in a way she wouldn’t have if she had done this work independently. 

“I grew my clientele in a way I would not have been able to without the students’ work. It’s been a huge help. It’s great for students, too. They have this eagerness to help small businesses. It was just amazing,” Ella shared.  

Zachary discovered a new passion for lead generation while working on the project. 

“I became interested in lead generation and researching various companies. I hope that with my current experience, I’ll learn more about what companies are looking for and how I can help them,” Zachary shared. 

Neither Ella nor Zachary can recommend Level UP enough. 

“I think it is a fantastic program. I recommend Level UP to small businesses like mine – those with a small niche and fewer resources. It is great for students to get a leg up in their careers by taking on a few smaller hands-on projects. It will make their resumes more attractive for future employers,” Ella shared.


Likewise, Zachary would recommend this way of learning to other students.  

“Other students should check out the Level UP program. It will help them explore interests they didn’t know they had in business.” 

Thank you to Zachary Corsetti for sharing his experience on Riipen. To learn more about how you can get started with the Level UP remote internship program as a student or employer, visit the website here. ‍Stay updated with the latest in higher education, experiential learning, and the future of work, and subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter, The Riipen Report

Riipen Level UP program is funded by the Government of Canada's Innovative Work-Integrated Learning (I-WIL) Initiatives program. The opinions and interpretations in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Government of Canada. 


Level UP is funded in part by the Government of Canada's Innovative Work-Integrated Learning (I-WIL) Initiatives program
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